So, I will start with growing you own SCOBY. What you need:
- A 1 quart mason jar (washed, air dried and rinsed with vinegar)
- One cup of brewed black or green tea brought to room temperature
- 1/2 cup refined white sugar (this is for the SCOBY to consume)
- One bottle of RAW Organic unflavored Kombucha (however, I used ginger flavored one because my local store did not have an unflavored one and it worked just fine and is still going strong) Try to find a bottle with some stuff floating around in it.
- A rubber band that will fit snug around the neck of the mason jar
- A piece of clean cloth or I used a square of paper towel
- Put the sugar into the jar
- Pour the room temperature tea into the jar and mix well, do not worry if all the sugar does not dissolve, it will be fine.
- Pour 1/2 of the jar of Kombucha into the mix (drink the other half of the bottle or double this recipe and make two SCOBY's in two jars).
- Cover the top of the Jar with the paper towel or piece of clean cloth and secure with the rubber band so that no dust, contaminants, fruit flies or other bugs can get in.
- Place the jar in a nice dark cupboard the warmest one in you house. Optimal temperature is going to be as close to 76 degrees F. as possible. Warmer will cause possibly cause the SCOBY to grow faster but it may not be as healthy as it could be. Colder and it will grow very slowly.
- Do not disturb it. Yes, I know it is hard to wait but it will be well worth it. It took me two weeks to get a good healthy SCOBY.
Congratulations, you have now grown your own "Mother" SCOBY. I should look like a white waxy disc the diameter of the inside of your Mason Jar. Save the liquid in the jar as you will need it to make your first batch of Kombucha. It is actually Kombucha and should smell like vinegar.
My next post will give you directions on how to make your first batch of Kombucha with your new SCOBY! Keep your SCOBY in the jar with the breathable cover on it until you are ready to do your brewing.
Until then...every now and then put your nose to the top of the SCOBY jar and BREATH in the vinegar scent knowing that you had the WISDOM to do this yourself!
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