What a beautiful day it was yesterday. I got up and taught a Standards Precaution class and then came home. The plan was that my sister and her husband and my husband and myself were going to only work the half a day and then hop on the motorcycles for a long ride. Perfect day for a perfect plan. We rode out to Hillsboro, WI (3 hour trip) to check on my sister and her husband's hunting land and replant some grass seed where some trees had been cleared. Rural WI is beautiful and those that know me as a friend on FB saw a couple of the pics I uploaded. Sitting on the back of the bike my mind becomes creative and this is what it did (I will try to recreate it without crying but not likely):
To my adult children: I saw you today Nick! You saw me but did not know who I was. You were in the spirit of the young Amish boy of about 11 on the other side of the road in his horse pulled cart. Your cheeks were Rosy and the innocence in your eyes was refreshing. You smiled at me and waved back. About 30 minutes up the road I saw Becky and Rachael riding their bikes. Becky was about 8 and Rachael 6. Becky, you were already heading back up the long driveway towards the house. Taking the lead with Rachael still trying to make it to the end so that she could turn around and meet you back at the top. Not giving up! Proving that just because she was the smaller and younger one, she was not going to let anything get in her way. When I saw you girls I leaned forward and said to dad "there is Becky and Rachael!" You were both peddling fast on your way to "fun". Just FUN!
All three of my children were carefree, no worries, young and as innocent as children could and should be.
A little while later we drove through a very cool town with houses that had the big natural stone bluffs towering above them in the backyards. SO COOL! I said to dad that if you children would have grown-up in one of those houses we would have had a hard time trying to keep you from climbing the mountainous walls. Nick would have broken every bone in his body just showing us and himself he could climb to the top.
We continued to ride and I realised that you three and your father are my REASON. My reason for everything! You are all the reason that God created me. I was created so that you could all be. To grow-up into the adults you are today so that you will have REASONS! You are all my anchors. Never an anchor holding me back from anything but to keep me steady. To keep me, me! You keep me from the storms that life passes through our lives. You keep me here to inturn be here for each one of you when you need me.
Although you did not see me yesterday, I saw each one of you. I felt you in my heart and breathed you in my lungs. You all were with me on the beautiful ride that your father and I took. You will all continue to be with me on the ride that Dad and I will continue to travel until our Journey will take us to our heavenly Father that waits for us. And then, we will be with you as you have your REASONS and complet your journeys! I love you all!
So, what does Horsehound and Mint have to do with any of this? NOTHING....just that this spring has been so wonderful that my mint and horsehound crop was already in need of cutting. So I currently have on a low temp in my oven, the leaves drying for tea making. My kitchen smells wonderful and I will sip my tea this summer and perhaps share a cup with my children if they wish and bring my great memories along!